
The DELTA (Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications) has produced several publications regarding education, technology and learning. DELTA’s policy is to create a knowledge sharing environment, following this approach we offer you a few of DELTA’s publications.


The Compass toolkit uses the metaphor of a navigational instrument to guide you through a repository of 60 participatory learning, training and knowledge sharing methodologies. The 60 instructional fiches are designed to be as practical as possible. Therefore we illustrated each methodology by a case study of the application of the methodology in the context of the Turin Centre.

The Compass toolkit can be accessed here.


The Centre is currently exploring new ways to combine design thinking, architecture and learning. This resulted in the ‘Learnscape’ project which gives you an interesting perspective on how to consider the importance of the physical environment for learning and training. The learning journey helped us to think outside the box of a typical classroom setting and made us aware that there is a fundamental need to introduce the important notion of a learning ecology. Feel free to download the publication and please share your views with us.

M workplace learning

The paper describes an applied research project intended to facilitate the learning at/for work of learning and development professionals through mobile learnning.  The results covered in this paper represent the first three phases of the design thinking process: discovery, interpretation and ideation. Building on these findings, three workplace learning challenges were identified to be solved through mobile learning: improving knowledge sharing and effective communication at work, facilitating appropriation of learning experiences at work, increasing motivation towards learning at work through game concepts.

Learning with tablets

This paper reports about a recent study dealing with the integration of tablet computers into training events of an international organization focusing on developmental activities.  We first introduce our motivation and related work. Then we discuss the UTAUT as the theoretical model for acceptance analysis of the study. In the method section we report about quantitative and qualitative data collection. Results show that tablet computers facilitated learning interactions by enabling collaborative learning and peer support.

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