Tag Archives: knowledge management

the art of knowledge exchange

In a training institution more and more activities move beyond the traditional cycle of delivering courses. Learning and training gets closely connected with knowledge sharing and the larger domain of knowledge management. We will take this aspect into account and feed this blog also from this knowledge angle. Two elements that might be of interest […]

Share, Learn and Innovate

OHCHR initiated in collaboration with ITC-ILO a coordinated knowledge management approach with the goal of making OHCHR work more effective in the fulfillment of its mandate. Based on a KM needs assessment and a review of KM approaches and practices of UN agencies ITC-ILO developed a knowledge sharing toolkit which includes methods and techniques to […]

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management and Knowledge Sharing are re-current themes that emphasise the importance we put on “the learning organisation” (Peter Senge). DELTA is currently involved in several interesting Knowledge Management Initiatives. Last year we started to give input in the KM series of United Nations Staff College “Think UN, act smart”. This resulted in a series […]

The After Action Review (AAR) – capturing knowledge

The After Action Review is a structured facilitated process that can be used to debrief an activity or event to analyse what happened, why it happened, and how it can be done better by the participants who were involved in the activity or project. This method can be considered either as a knowledge management tool […]